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Category: General
Monthly Presentation: Wildcat Stories by Joe Gschwendtner

October 10, 2024

Historian, Joe Gschwendtner will talk about his book "Five Bright Bonnets: A Collection Douglas County, Colorado, Pioneer Stories".  Join us on Thurs. Oct. 10, 2024 at 7pm at the Philip & Jerry Miller Library in Castle Rock.

Douglas County is blessed with a variety of high-quality writing talent and thus numerous books addressing facets of its rich history. Five Bright Sunbonnets is a new entry delivering some colorful insights not previously available on the shelves. Accounts are often written or refashioned in the pioneer’s own voice, delivering the reader a more intimate engagement with the subject.
This approach, though not revolutionarily different, is a breath of fresh air. The author’s father’s immigrant history gives him a heightened sensitivity about what it means to pull up one’s roots and roll the dice with one’s life. While the author may prognosticate, he does it in a way that can’t help but make you a fan of the person he brings alive again.
The author’s love affair with Douglas County jumps from the pages. In so doing, he articulates the basis for the stream of immigration to Douglas County both then and now.


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