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Category: General
Monthly Presentation: R. Alan Brooks on Nat Love Graphic Novel

April 11, 2024

Renowned graphic novelist R. Allen Brooks has once again mesmerized readers with his latest work, "Nat Love." Brooks, known for his masterful storytelling and stunning visual narratives, has crafted a compelling portrayal of the legendary African American cowboy, Nat Love, also known as "Deadwood Dick."  Join us on April 11, 2024 as Mr. Brooks gives a brief chat about the permanent exhibit that he created for The Denver Art Museum! It's a comic book display that tells the story of Nat Love, who lived in Denver for a time. Brooks will discuss his research and work on creating this piece, and take questions from the audience.

The presentation begins at 7:00pm at the Philip S. Miller Library 100 S. Wilcox St. Castle Rock, CO 80104.  For more information check out our website at or contact the Castle Rock Museum at 303-814-3164 or

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